As part of the follow-up of the Administrative Control Authority of the subsidized commodities system to ensure that the subsidy reaches its beneficiaries and to secure the governance of the procedures, the allocation of large amounts of supply goods in favor of some owners of the outlets of the " Game’yati " (My mini- market) project in excess of the prescribed quotas was monitored. Through intensive investigations in conjunction with the Ministry of Supply, the involvement of the managing director of one of the subsidiaries of the Holding Company for Food Industries (HCFI), the manager of the “Game’yati” project and several officials was detected. They facilitated misappropriation of public money by allocating large amounts of subsidized commodities to be sold to the owners of some outlets outside the supply system and captured the difference in the sale price compared to the subsidized price.
The Public Prosecution investigations validated the facts related to the defendants. By referring the case to the North Cairo Criminal Court, it issued a deterrent sentence to prison 24 defendants and a fine of one million pounds each.
The Administrative Control Authority calls on all those involved in the subsidy and social protection programs to assume national responsibility and to synergize with the efforts of the State to improve the livelihood of citizens. The Authority affirms its response to any attempt to manipulate or disrupt the system of distribution of subsidies for personal gains or profits at the expense of the inherent rights of citizens.
# Partners in protection of the interests of the homeland