The Administrative Control Authority is keen on aligning its strategies with regional and international bodies towards optimizing cooperation and consolidating anti-corruption efforts. In light of this, the ACA deems cooperation among Arab countries a necessity to tackle impediments  to development across all nations. Egypt, hence, as one of the parties to the Arab Anti-Corruption Convention, is taking part in the 4th Session of Conference of States Parties to the Arab Anti Corruption Convention, convened by Saudi Arabia’s Anti Corruption Commission (NAZAHA) this Tuesday, March 22, 2022 in Riyadh. 

Signed on 21 December 2010 by 19 Arab States, the Arab Anti-Corruption Convention is the region’s first official anti-corruption instrument, which aims at promoting joint cooperation among States Parties to develop mechanisms to prevent, detect, and combat all forms of corruption. The convention further seeks to enhance Arab cooperation in recovering assets and upholding integrity, transparency, accountability, and the rule of law. It also works to engage civil society in anti-corruption efforts by raising awareness of corruption’s adverse effects on both individual and communal levels.

Values and ethics derived from Abrahmic religions and primarily Islam comripse the founding principles of the Conventionm, which also rests on a number of Arab, regional and international charters and conventions, including the Charter of the Arab League, the UN Charter, and the United Nations Convention against Corruption (UNCAC). 

The convention consists of 35 articles divided into six procedural articles and 29 substantive articles, most notably in the areas of criminalization; measures for prevention and fight against corruption; protection of informers, witnesses, experts, and victims; mutual judicial assistance; and restitution of property.