Biography of the Chairman of the Administrative Control Authority
Former Chairmen of the ACA
Competences of the ACA
Scope of Competences
Crimes that fall under the ACA s Jurisdiction
Legislative Framework
Institutional Framework
Judicial Regulatory Framework
National Coordination Committee
National Strategy
International Conventions
Corruption Indicators
Governance and Anti-Corruption Terminology
Investment Support
The ACA s role in Supporting Investment
Investors Complaints
National Academy
Vision and Mission
National Anti-Corruption Academy Website
Journal of Governance Preventing and Combating Corruption (JGPCC) - EACA
International Cooperation
About International Cooperation
Request for International Cooperation
Exchange of Delegations and Visits
Media Center
News about the ACA
News about the ACA in the media
Public Awareness
Public Awareness
Conscience of the Nation
Related Sites
Public Awareness
Code of Conduct and Ethics of public service
Most Read
Learn about the profiteering crime ... To know your rights and protect yourself and safeguard your country
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Digital transformation. The Egyptian State's Infrastructure
Learn about the forgery crime... To know your rights and protect yourself and safeguard your country
Participate in uncovering money laundering crimes in order to preserve your country's economy
Learn about the bribery crime... To know your rights and protect yourself and safeguard your country
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Friday Sermon on June 25, 2021 on corruption, its aspects and dangers to the community and how to confront it
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