Minister Amr Adel, Chairman of the Administrative Control Authority, took part in the fifth session of the Conference of the States Parties to the Arab Anti - Corruption Convention, held at the headquarters of the Secretariat General of the League of Arab States from May 5 - 7, 2024. Representatives of the States parties to the Convention, as well as representatives of other member States of the League of Arab States and regional and international organizations, participated in the session.

During his speech, Minster Amr Adel reviewed the efforts of Arab countries in the field of preventing and combating corruption as part of implementing the Arab Anti - Corruption Convention, extending from the  United Nations Convention against Corruption (UNCAC). His excellency stressed that the establishment of an Arab review mechanism for the efforts of Arab countries participating in the Convention reflects the rigid efforts of the States parties to tackle the challenges unraveled by the UN review process.

The Minister elucidated how the Arab countries have adopted global initiatives in the field of preventing and combating corruption, including the Marrakesh Declaration, which introduced the founding principles to combat corruption; the Doha Declaration that contributed to promoting the values of integrity and educating the youth on the hazards of corruption;  the Abu Dhabi Declaration Programme, where the importance of bolstering coordination between regulatory bodies was emphasized; as well as the Sharm El-Sheikh Declaration, which outlined the framework for combating corruption during times of emergency and crisis.


The speech signaled that fostering cooperation at the regional and multilateral levels is imperative in light of the commitment of the Member States to preventing and combating cross-border corruption, guided by both the Arab Anti - Corruption Convention and the UNCAC. A robust commitment to implementation has been crystallized through the constructive cooperation between the ACA- affiliated Egyptian Anti-Corruption Academy (EACA) and counterpart oversight bodies around the world. This cooperation has reaped a number of training programs for Arab experts concerned with combating corruption, as well as several memorandums of understanding (MoUs) with international counterparts to transfer and exchanging information and expertise.

In his concluding remarks, Minister Amr Adel underlined the concrete efforts of regional anti-corruption bodies to preserve the national wealth of each Arab state, especially amidst global crises. The Minister further thanked the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia for its efforts during its presidency of the fourth session of the conference of the States Parties to the Arab Anti - Corruption Convention. 



The Arab Anti - Corruption Convention, signed on December 21, 2010, is the first convention that aims to strengthen joint cooperation between States parties to activate mechanisms that shall prevent and combat all forms of corruption; recover assets; and uphold the values of integrity, transparency, accountability and the rule of law. The Convention also seeks to engage civil society in relevant efforts to prevent and combat corruption by raising awareness of its negative impact on individuals and communities. 


For more on the Arab - Anti Corruption Convention, visit the “Anti Corruption” section on the Administrative Control Authority’s website: