Esteemed delegates, distinguished ladies and gentlemen,
We have now concluded the deliberations of the ninth session of the Conference of the States Parties to the United Nations Convention against Corruption (COSP9). The Conference has thoroughly examined a number of issues that are deemed of paramount importance to the future of the United Nations Convention against Corruption (UNCAC). This session goes beyond the closing ceremony, as it concludes a year of combating corruption.
This session was held in the wake of the United Nations General Assembly Special Session (UNGASS) on Corruption; one that laid out a roadmap to guide the efforts towards preventing and combating corruption for years to come.
We have made it clear to the international community that combating corruption remains our top priority and that the global community is reinvigorating the efforts to implement the principles and standards of the UN Convention. The Conference of States Parties has undertaken a number of vital tasks to be carried out in the future. Hence, there is a lot of work ahead and it is a great honor to work alongside the distinguished delegations until COSP10 is convened.
I would like to commend the active role that all of you, governments, intergovernmental organizations, and civil society have played in this Conference. As highlighted in the Conference, civil society has played a key role in combating corruption, which emphasizes the indispensable need for collective efforts to foster anti-corruption measures that shall ensure the success of the Conference in light of the UNCAC measures.
Allow me to reassert that the Egyptian government is honored and pleased to host COSP9 as much as I myself am humbled and pleased to chair the session. I would also like to take the chance to recognize the immense assistance provided by the Expanded Bureau throughout the Conference. In addition, I extend special thanks to the vice-presidents of the Conference for their support in leading the plenary session and concurrent meetings.
I believe that I speak on behalf of all the delegations when I express our appreciation to all the staff of the secretariat, who have largely facilitated our work by curating the documents and drafting the report of the session, as well as advising and supporting the delegations throughout the deliberations.
I am in awe of the team that assisted us this week, namely the services staff who prepared and organized the meeting. I would like to further thank the editors, translators, transcribers, and those who helped us distribute documents; as well as the interpreters and the sound engineers.
I would also like to express my appreciation and gratitude to the secretariat and the conference services team for their efforts to reduce paper waste and promote electronic documents and online services in order to avert the adverse environmental impact that could otherwise have resulted from the convening of this session.
A special thanks to Dr. Ghada Wali, Executive Director of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, who has demonstrated top-notch leadership skills during the Conference and in her overall work at the UNODC.
Finally, I would like to wish you all a safe flight back home.