Crimes fall under the ACA’s Jurisdiction are divided into two main parts:
Part 1:
Crimes of inherent jurisdiction of the Administrative Control Authority include:
1. Crimes of aggression against public funds:
  • Embezzlement.
  • Taking over and facilitating the takeover of public money.
  • Profiteering.
  • Abuse of public funds intentionally or through negligence.
  • Fraud in supply contracts.
2.Crimes of Exploiting public office:
  • Bribery
  • Abuse of power
3.Crimes of counterfeiting of official documents.
4.Illicit gains crimes.
5.Impersonating a civil servant or a holder of senior management position to obtain or attempt to obtain any profit or benefit.
6.Crimes relating to the regulation of foreign exchange transactions.
7.Crimes provided for under Law 5 of 2010 on the regulation of human organ transplantation.
8.Crimes provided for under Law No. 64 of 2010 on combating human trafficking.


Part 2:
Crimes that are detected in coordination with some agencies, which in turn, according to their competencies, carry out the detection operations, including the following: 
1.Tax evasion.
2.Customs evasion.
3.Money-laundering offences.
4.Commercial fraud.
5.Public health crimes.